With the ongoing conversion of radio systems from traditional to digital P25 around the world the race is on to find out how to monitor, listen and abuse this technology. Some projects such as OP25 from Osmocom made very good progress enabling users to tune in and listen to them using software defined radios. However, many of the P25 features such as trunking remains to be understood and implemented. Many radio scanners made by Uniden or Grecom licensed the technologies behind P25 some years ago and produced convincing implementation. Up until now their secrets stayed protected under firmware encryption and, probably unwillingly, obscure cpu's.
Secdocs is a project aimed to index high-quality IT security and hacking documents. These are fetched from multiple data sources: events, conferences and generally from interwebs.
Serving 8166 documents and 531.0 GB of hacking knowledge, indexed from 2419 authors from 163 security conferences.